About Bidding

There are several ways to place a bid in a Garden City auction. First make sure you have registered with us as much in advance of the auction as possible, so we can help with any issues and don’t be shy and contact us if you have any questions.

To Bid In Advance of the Auction:

Through Stamp Auction Network www.stampauctionnetwork.com (SAN) You will first need to be registered with SAN and then login there. Choose the FREE option if you so choose. If you have never bid with us before, you will need to be approved to bid in our auction by us: simply log into SAN, go to our sale (in the Live Sales area) and click at top left “Request approval for bidding”. Once approved by us, you can enter your bds and follow your bidding activity.

By emailing info@gcpauctions.com – we will acknowledge your bid(s) and let you know where you stand.

By calling (250) 380 5423 – we will enter your bids with you on the phone

To Bid Live, During the Auction:

By attending the auction in person, you can sign in, take a bidding paddle and enjoy the live bidding vibe.

By logging into SAN, going to our auction and clicking “Join the public auction in progress”. At the top of the next page there will be a “Listen to the auction”.

You will need to inform us in advance, and give us a range of lot numbers you want to bid on, and we will have one of our associates call you during the auction. GCPA will not be held responsible if you don’t answer the phone number provided to us during the auction.

By having an agent of your choice contact us before the sale to register you as their client. Agents are fully responsible for all bids made on behalf of their customers. We would be happy to recommend an agent on request.

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